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18. 1. 2023

Deklarace českých vydavatelských asociací k odstranění snippetů zpráv ve službách Googlu a společnosti Meta

Vydavatelské asociace Unie vydavatelů, Sdružení pro internetový rozvoj (SPIR) a Asociace online vydavatelů (AOV) dnes vydaly společné prohlášení k odstranění náhledů (snippetů) u zpravodajských článků ve službách Googlu a společnosti Meta, které k tomuto jednostrannému kroku přistoupily v souvislosti s přijetím novely autorského zákona. Prohlášení je v anglickém jazyce.

Czech publishing market’s declaration on the removal of news snippets from Meta and Google Services

Prague, 18 January 2023 – In December 2022, the Czech Republic finalised its transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market. The adopted changes entered into force on 5 January 2023. Meta and Google had already suspended the display of previews of press publications on Facebook, in Google search results, and on Google News. Google has also suddenly terminated the Google News Showcase program in the Czech Republic, claiming that the decision was made in response to the fact that the Czech Republic had decided to adopt more effective measures ensuring fair remuneration.

The Association of Online Publishers (AOV), the Association for Internet Progress (SPIR) and the Czech Publishers’ Association point out that this decision by Meta and Google is one-sided and was taken with minimal effort to establish a meaningful dialogue with the publisher associations representing the vast majority of online news and magazine content in the Czech Republic (according to NetMonitor1 – the Czech official online audience measurement system). Considering Google’s dominant market position with respect to internet search services and Meta’s status as a social network provider, the AOV, SPIR and the Czech Publishers´ Association have serious concerns about the legality of these actions by Google and Meta. The removal of news snippets (more detailed previews) in the Czech Republic in order to avoid the legal requirement to hold negotiations on fair remuneration for the usage of publishers’ online content will negatively impact the Czech media sector and Czech users.

In order to stop the damage from worsening, the above-mentioned publishers’ associations invite Google and Meta to engage immediately in constructive dialogue on how to fulfil obligations under from the European Copyright Directive on the Single Digital Market in the Czech Republic. We expect Google, Meta and other relevant online platforms to meet obligations arising from the European Directive adopted back in 2018 and from the new Czech copyright law adopted at the end of 2022.

For further information, contact:

AOV: Libor Matoušek, Chairman of the Board of Directors

T: +420 774 400 309

E: predseda@asociacevydavatelu.cz



SPIR: Tereza Tůmová, Chief Executive Officer

T: +420 739 465 233

E: tereza.tumova@spir.cz



Czech Publishers´ Association: Václav Mach, Chief Executive Officer

T: +420 608 014 683

E: vaclav.mach@unievydavatelu.cz



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